

We’ve arrived at tip #8 in my list of things you must do when negotiating.  For the other essential tips, go to this page.

When we ask, we’re saying we’re not sure of ourselves and we’re open for options.

Doing this invites the other person to come back with a lower option. Be firm by telling, not asking.

It is amazing how much confidence can and will make a difference in a negotiation. It’s also amazing how much your level of confidence comes out when you’re speaking.

If you’re not confident, it will come through in your voice.

Asking for something during a negotiation will almost always come through to the other person as if you’re not quite sure of what you’re offering at the price you’re offering it. This is why I say don’t ask, but rather tell.

Yes, there are times when you do need to ask, but that is by far the exception to the rule rather than the norm.



A key reason why asking if something is “okay” doesn’t work is because if the other person is a good negotiator, they will either automatically reject what you’re offering or worse yet say nothing.

In both cases, it will most likely leave you in a situation of giving up even more. A good negotiator – when faced with a person who asks – will use the silent response multiple times, knowing they are making the other person anxious.

The other reason why asking during a negotiation is not a good strategy is because it implies you’re willing to give something if they are willing to give you something in exchange. On the surface, this may seem like not that big of a deal. Unfortunately, though, it puts you in a position of revealing your hand before they’ve agreed to anything.

A much better strategy is to get first and give second.

In other words, you get them to concede on something before you concede on something. Yes, this is a tough-line strategy, but there are negotiations where the only workable approach is by being tough and firm.

Be confident. Don’t ask. Tell.

And remember, be sure to check out the other essential negotiation tips at this page.

Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

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