It’s far too easy to get caught up in all of the news and talk about the state of the economy.
You can’t go very far these days without being hit with conversations about jobs, taxes, debt, etc.
Yes, it is of importance, and I firmly believe we have role in being informed about what’s going on. That’s where it stops, though.
Regardless of what we might think, the role we play is going to have zero impact on the global economy.
If what we do has zero impact on the global economy, then doesn’t it make sense to not have the global economy impact our personal economy?
Anyone can make up an excuse. Again, we only have to listen to the news for 30 seconds to hear that line. Making excuses doesn’t make sense. It isn’t going to help me sell more — it’s only going to help me rationalize why I’m not making sales. Hmmm…that should get more than a few of you thinking.
Watch great athletes rise above the situation they may find themselves in. Watch how they put aside a bad play and not let it bother them going forward.
They know if they are going to succeed it’s going to start with them. Same thing for us in our job.
If we’re going to succeed, it starts with us. The economy is going to do what it wants to, but I on the other hand can do something different.
As you look at 2013, challenge yourself to not set targets and goals based on what the economy says you should or should not be able to do. Instead, set your goals and targets on what and who you are!
Your goals should start with one thing — being focused 100% on what you can control and shutting out of your mind the things you can’t control.
Let’s all go out and make 2013 not just a good year. Let’s go make it a great year that goes beyond anything we thought possible.
Copyright 2013, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.