

I receive all kinds of notes from salespeople and sales managers sharing with me their big dreams.

They don’t use the word dream, but that’s what they are.

They’re dreams because they’re so far out there that the probability of achieving them is next to zero.

Little kids are great dreamers. We call it having an imagination. We value that trait in kids, but as adults we need to now ask ourselves, “What do I need to do to achieve the dream?”

I like to say, “Dream big. Plan even bigger.” If you don’t build a plan to achieve the dream, then all you have is a dream, and it’s hard to take a dream to the bank.

What’s your dream?

What’s your plan for achieving the dream?

Does it involve luck or does it involve action on your part?

If you can’t define your dream and, more importantly, break it down into smaller pieces, each with a process, then your dream is going nowhere.

A few more questions you need to ask yourself regarding your plans:

With whom do I need to engage to make it happen?

What are the tools/resources I need and can I find a way to acquire them?

What are the milestones with regard to dates and small steps that I need to monitor to ensure the dream is achieved?

Finally, ask yourself this question:  Can I share this dream with someone else who will hold me accountable for achieving it? If your dream is so big the other person won’t see value in holding you accountable, you have one of two options:

Either find someone who can or question the validity of your dream.

Dream big. Plan even bigger.

Copyright 2016, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

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