

discountingThis is the question that Andy Paul and I dig into in a recent podcast on his site!

I encourage you to check it out at the below link:

High-Profit Selling: Why You Can Never Un-Discount a Discount

Discounting changes your relationship with your customer and NOT in a good way!  I would rather see you develop the confidence and competence to sell at full price, because selling at full price is possible!

Not only is it possible, it’s really the only way to sustain long-term success.  Don’t forget to listen to the podcast:

High-Profit Selling: Why You Can Never Un-Discount a Discount




Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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