

success BusinessIt’s time to cut to the chase and do what needs to be done if we’re going to get sales to where we know they can be.

Few organizations come close to getting all of the sales possible. Breakdowns occur for any number of reasons.

Cut through everything, and it almost always comes down to the sales force is not properly focused and engaged.

Systems may tell us what and why. They may even tell us the how, but it still comes down to the sales force executing the plan.

Challenge thus becomes not one of having information, but rather having the right information and knowing what to do with it.

Recently I was interviewing a candidate for a sales position. The candidate had all the right answers. It was clear he “knew” sales and what it was going to take to be successful. Challenge was that even though he “knew” sales, he didn’t really know sales, because he had never had a “customer facing” sales position.

I was struck at the promotions he had received at his previous companies and how he never got caught. I say “got caught,” because in conversation with him, it was obvious he didn’t have a clue about sales.

To me this was a classic case of somebody being book smart but street dumb. I use this example, because that is exactly what exists in nearly every company and is the reason why Sales never achieves the success it should.

Reason I’m so passionate about this is we will never be able to achieve maximum results until we as sales leaders step up and begin truly leading our organizations.

Too many sales leaders rely on their “systems” or their “proven processes” to make things happen. They believe all they have to do is monitor and inspect and everything will work out.

Sorry, that just isn’t the real world.

The role of the sales leader has never been more critical in helping keep the sales team focused and on track.

A sales team may deliver great results for a quarter or even a year or two — even with a poor sales leader — but it will be due to conditions in the marketplace, not their skill.

A sales team that scores high year in and year out, despite marketplace conditions, is going to do that only because of one thing — Sales Leadership.

It’s time we get serious about the role we as sales leaders play and begin stepping up and being “all in” with regard to helping our team reach full potential.

Below are the five things you as a sales leader need to focus on if you want your sales team to get to where you know they can be:

The 5 “How TOs” are:

1. Define clear and measurable goals

2. Develop daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly disciplines

3. Investing in skill growth

4. Prospecting as a priority

5. Confidence at all levels of the organization

You’re probably asking, if these are the 5, then how do I make them happen in my organization?

Join me at for the Sales Summit at Dreamforce 2015 on Sept. 15.  Here is the link to find out more about the session:

5 Critical “HOW TOs” to Increase Sales Results for Sales Leaders

Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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