

great salespeople traitsWithout a doubt, there are things that top salespeople do in order to excel in their professional and personal lives.

Top salespeople…

1. Plan their week and work their plan.

2. Do not allow email and other routine activities to consume their time or their mental focus.

3. Have a prospecting plan they follow without fail.

4. Know the importance of not allowing their time to be wasted by customers/prospects who are not capable of buying.

5. Continually learn and look for ways to improve themselves, and in so doing, look to others to gain insight.

6. Know the most important asset they have is their own time.

7. Treat people in their company with the same level of respect, communication and support they provide their best customers.

8. Push themselves to a level of standards far surpassing what others would expect of them.

9. Focus on goals in everything they do and understand how being goal oriented allows them to remain disciplined.

10. Have a positive outlook on themselves and their environment, never passing blame on others for things, but accepting full responsibility in everything.

During the past 15, years I’ve had a front row seat working with, coaching, observing and yes, learning from, thousands of salespeople and sales managers the world over.

All of this exposure has allowed me to see the good, the bad, the ugly in salespeople working in nearly every possible type of situation imaginable.   During this time, I’ve found myself taking notes as to what are the things the best of the best do on a regular basis.

In my attempt to keep things simple, I’ve boiled down the list to what I see are the top 10 things top performing salespeople do regularly.

This list is one I like to share with salespeople when I’m meeting with sales teams. The reason I share this is not to shame them, but rather to have them look at it and realize that the traits of top salespeople have a lot to do with being focused in growing and being disciplined.

There is not one item on the list nobody can’t achieve. There is not one that requires some sort of inherent skill or trait a person would need to be born with.

This list leaves me with one conclusion. The only thing holding back any salesperson from becoming a top performer is themselves. 


Copyright 2015, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

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