The biggest item on the “to do” list of most salespeople is finding good sales leads.
Here’s a list of 7 sales prospecting ideas you can use right now:
1. Give away prospects to others.
You heard me — give away prospects. What I mean by this is help other salespeople develop leads. When you meet someone who might benefit from what another person sells, match them up.
The more leads you help others with, the better you’ll feel about yourself and the more leads you too will get from others.
2. Have a “customer satisfaction” phone blitz.
Contact each customer you have sold to and ask them how they like your service. Let them share with you what they like, and then immediately after they get done telling you what they like, ask them for the name of people who might benefit from what you sell.

If the customer shares with you something that is less than flattering, then it gives you the opportunity to correct the situation with them. Remember, regardless of whether the customer likes your service, they are telling others.
3. Build your on-line awareness level using the social media platforms that fit your business.
If you’re selling in a B to B environment, that means Linkedin; if you’re in a B to C environment, that means Facebook. Don’t waste your time on any sites that don’t match well with where your customers are.
Also, don’t think this alone is going to drive your business. Sorry, social media is just one tool. The best way to approach it is by not expecting anything from it and being pleased when something does come.
4. Actively work your “warm-call” or “warm-lead” list.
We all have these lists. These are lists of people we know but have lost contact with or others who we’ve met but have never placed any value in for one reason or another. Don’t forget about these. The best way is to dedicate a certain amount of time each day to reach out to these people on the phone.
By working this list consistently, you will have a steady stream of warm leads that are turning into warmer and ultimately hot leads.
5. Never give up on leads you believe have gone cold.
Just when you think a lead can’t get any colder, it can suddenly become quite hot. Have in place some sort of a low-touch contact or marketing program that allows you to remain in contact with these cold-leads from time to time.
6. Believe in yourself.
Nothing will defeat you faster than yourself. If you aren’t positive about both yourself and what you sell, then how do you expect anyone you meet to even think about being a prospect?
7. Don’t waste time with suspects.
If a prospect is not willing to share with you some sort of proprietary or personal information about themselves or their company, then they’re not serious about working with you. Move these people to your cold-contact list and allow your low-touch contact system to take over.
Copyright 2012, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.