
Your customers need you to be their R & D department now more than ever. What do I mean by R & D? Research and development. What an exciting time to be in sales! It is an exciting time because you get to help your customers. Your job’s objective now more than ever is to bring them ideas and solutions that will help them power their sales back and power their sales up.

Video: Your Customers Need You More Than Ever

Each time you’re about to communicate with a customer or a prospect, no matter in what form, ask yourself this question: what is the idea? What is one thing that I can share with them? More than likely, if you’re staying focused on your ICP (ideal customer profile) and you’re staying in your lane, you’re learning valuable information that you can take from one customer to another. You can do this without sharing proprietary information, but simply sharing insights that will help many.

When you share insights, you become more valuable than ever to your customers. Why? Because now you’re the person bringing customers to the customer. You have the idea – the solution – that’s going to help them get to the next level. You’re going to help them become the ones that a customer says, “I want to partner with them. I want to work with them. I want to make them part of my organization going forward.”

You see, it’s not just about securing a sale. It’s all about what happens after the sale. When you are seen as your customer’s R & D department, you’ll still be there long after the initial sale because you know why? There’ll be another sale, another sale, another sale. The measure of greatness as a salesperson is the amount of business you get after the sale.

To help meet your customer’s needs, go online and join me at The Sales Hunter University. Through this program, we can create solutions and ideas to help bring sales up and over the top.

Learn more about The Sales Hunter University online and how this program will provide you with the following:

  • Personal training
  • Hands-on learning
  • Quick tips
  • Valuable resources
  • Immeasurable personal growth

Subscribe now, and let’s begin training together! The number one goal of The Sales Hunter University is to help you be successful!

A Mind for Sales Book

Hey, have you read my new book, A Mind For SalesMany have told me it’s a must-read for salespeople during this pandemic. Unlike my previous 2 books, this isn’t just about sales and prospecting, it’s all about your mind and your mind being one of your greatest assets to being successful. Go grab a copy on Amazon! I would love for you to post a review to help share the message of A Mind For Sales with others. Reviews are the best way to spread the word!

Copyright 2020, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog.  Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.

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