
sales motivation thinkingTop-performing salespeople take full responsibility for their business.

They don’t look to find reasons why things can’t be done and they don’t look to blame others when things aren’t done.

The question — “Why not?” — is a good one. When we ask it about ourselves, it calls into action what we do, as well as what we aren’t doing.

Think about that question for a moment and the impact it could have on your sales motivation.

Think about the times you’ve not done something when really you should have gone forward and done it.

Think about last week.  Were there items you didn’t do that if you had done them would have resulted in more sales opportunities?

Now think about this week. How quickly can you begin asking yourself, “Why not?”

Who are the people you’ve thought about calling, but haven’t yet called?  Why not?

Who are the prospects for whom you haven’t built a plan to go after?  Why not?

Who are the customers you haven’t been paying enough attention to?  Why not?

I could go on and on, but I think you get the idea.

Maybe we should post those two words — Why not? — right next to our phone or our computer or on our desk.

It’s always been said the truly great people in anything are those who question everything.  If that is the case, then we need to be asking ourselves more often the simple question, “Why not?”

Another reason I like this question is I feel it keeps the focus on us and what we do.  There are some who will ask this question with the sole intention of finding someone else to blame.  Sorry, I’m not buying it.

My objective  in asking “why not”  is to spur myself on to actually doing something to improve my sales motivation and sales opportunities.

How about you?  Could you be asking “Why not?” more often?

Copyright 2013, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog.

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