How to Contact the Right Prospects

How to Contact the Right Prospects

If we don’t prospect properly, there’s no way we can close.  Step 1 in the Sales Logic System is Contact. Of course, a clear subset of Contact is prospecting. Didn’t catch last week’s blog on the Sales Logic System? Click here to read the overview. Our close ratio...
How Prospecting Rules Have Changed for 2023

How Prospecting Rules Have Changed for 2023

Are you ready for the changes this year will bring?   I’ll give you 10 things that you need to be on alert for with regards to prospecting in this new economy.  1. Engage the CEO  Does it have to be the CEO? No, but you have to be prepared to go further up the...
7 Prospecting Myths Debunked

7 Prospecting Myths Debunked

The phone call is where the prospecting happens.  Sure, I love using email. It’s a great tool. But you can’t rely on email. You must be on the phone making it happen.  I hear a lot of prospecting myths in my line of work. They drive me crazy! It’s time to set the...
Why Prospects Fail to Respond

Why Prospects Fail to Respond

Sometimes your prospect breaks up with you and you’re left wondering…why? Or worse, they’ve never wanted to talk to you in the first place.   “It’s not you… it’s me,” might take you back to some terrible high school break up. Every action has its...