5 Pricing Rules I Wish I’d Known Earlier

5 Pricing Rules I Wish I’d Known Earlier

Presenting your price with confidence is vital with costs going the way they are in today’s economy.  How can you maximize your revenue and avoid buckling under requests for a discount? In addition to these five rules, I have a lot more to share with you about pricing...
5 Solutions to Common Pricing Mistakes

5 Solutions to Common Pricing Mistakes

When faced with objections to price, what do you do? Here are five mistakes that aren’t setting your up for success when you present your price–and what do to about it. It is possible to avoid discounting! Today’s blog is brought to you by this...
Your Price Reflects Your Confidence

Your Price Reflects Your Confidence

All salespeople, at one time or another, have had their price challenged.  What do you do when that situation arises?  As much as everyone in sales would like to consider themselves “great closers,” in reality, many are weak when it comes to this important skill. ...