3 Ways Sales Begins with You

3 Ways Sales Begins with You

Sales begins with you, not your customer.  If you can begin with these three things, you will be successful in sales. But if you don’t believe in yourself, your process, and your ability to help your customer, success will be difficult for you.  1. Believe in yourself...
Overcoming the #1 Obstacle to Prospecting

Overcoming the #1 Obstacle to Prospecting

The number one obstacle to prospecting is not what you think it is.  People always think they don’t have the right leads, or don’t have the right script. That’s not the number one obstacle. The number one obstacle with prospecting really comes down...
5 Ways to Cancel Low Self-Esteem in Sales

5 Ways to Cancel Low Self-Esteem in Sales

There’s one obstacle to prospecting I don’t hear from people— I see it. Low self-esteem.  I can relate, because if you knew my early path in sales, I was anything but The Sales Hunter. I had to raise my own self-esteem to become a great salesperson.  Let me walk...