

Sunday I leave for San Francisco and Dreamforce.

More than 130,000 people will descend on downtown SF this coming week.

Let that number sink into your mind — 130,000 people for one event.  It’s not big. It’s overwhelming!  (Check out this link if you’re interested in drinking from a firehose).

An event of this size brings huge opportunities, but also huge traps. Unfortunately, the traps can easily outweigh the benefits if you’re not careful. 

The number of emails I’ve received from people (aka vendors and exhibitors) claiming what they have to offer will create world peace is mind numbing.  It makes me laugh.

This is a conference designed for sales and marketing, and yet every email I’ve received has been a joke!   The emails are totally generic and as a result of zero value to me.

What’s funny is not just the initial email they send out, but the follow-up ones are just as pitiful.  The follow-up emails are nothing more than the original one with something stupid like,  “I haven’t heard back from you yet.” 

Let’s get real! If I didn’t respond the first time, why do you think sending me the same thing again is going to make a difference?

Tragic doesn’t even come close to capturing the size of the mistake all of these people are making.   First, they’re completely undermining their objective of being seen as a smart sales /marketing partner. Second, they’re destroying the value of Dreamforce.

Offering me gift cards and opportunities to win stuff simply doesn’t cut it.  My time is valuable.

Do you think somebody is going to attend an event of this size merely to get a few gift card and stupid gifts or to enter a totally rigged raffle?  Uh, no.

Here’s the lesson for everyone in sales/marketing: All messages must be targeted, not just for the person being targeted, but also with regard to how it will be received.

Join me tomorrow and each day this coming week as I post my daily updates from Dreamforce.

And if you will be at Dreamforce, I hope to see you at the sessions where I will be speaking:

Sales Summit – 5 Strategies Sales Leaders Use for Results
Monday, October 13
2:00 p.m. – 2:40 p.m.
Yerba Buena – Salon 7, San Francisco Marriott Marquis

5 Mission-Critical Requirements to Establishing Value & Increasing Revenue
Wednesday, October 15
11:30 a.m. – 12:10 p.m.
Ralston Ballroom, Palace Hotel

Copyright 2014, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

Click on the below book cover for more info on boosting your profits!

High-Profit Selling

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