
Welcome to the Executive Sales Leader Briefing, a new blog series I am doing every Friday.

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Recently I was on a panel discussion at a sales conference in London with 3 other sales experts —  2 from Europe and 2 of us from the United States.
The question was asked if you had to be a “born salesperson” to be successful.

Each of us on the panel were asked to give our opinion, and to my surprise, two said to be great you did need to be a “born salesperson.”

I was shocked! I have never felt that being successful requires a person to be born with it in their genes.

It’s not what you’re born with that matters; it’s what you do with what you’re born with that matters.

I know far too many people who have been blessed with skills, but are failures because of their attitude. Conversely, I know of people who on the surface would seem to have no ability to make it happen and yet do so time and time again because of their attitude.

Success is not what you’re born with; success is what you do with what you have.   If a person is not successful, my response is to first assess your attitude, because when you change your attitude, it’s amazing how you change your results.

It’s my belief to be successful in sales you have to start and end with a great attitude. And it needs to be an attitude that does not accept mediocrity and does not make excuses, but that drives forward and sees the positive in everything. 


Copyright 2016, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter.” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of High-Profit Selling: Win the Sale Without Compromising on Price.

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