
Your pre-call attitude determines your post-call results. 

Did you know your mindset affects your ability to listen better? You hear more things, you’re more in tune, you’re more attentive, and the results are amazing.

I can watch two salespeople go on the exact same call—it’s a tag team call. One has a great attitude, one doesn’t. It’s amazing how a person with a great attitude comes out with a totally different perspective and is able to see where results are possible…and the other person isn’t.

1. Mentally prepare for the day—your mindset matters. 

I can’t just suddenly go out and make a sales call. I’ve got to be mentally prepared. This includes your routine every morning for how you get ready. How do you get set? 

2. Focus on the outcomes you want to achieve.

The outcomes are not necessarily closing the deal. The outcome could be: I want to uncover more information, uncover new insights, to follow up on this, to create the next step. 

Focus on the outcomes you want to achieve, and again, with the right attitude, with the right mindset, it’s amazing how you’re going to be able to do that. 

3. Expect success. 

Focus on the positive. If I go into a sales call saying, “Oh, nothing’s going to happen here,” that is indeed the outcome. Your mindset does matter.

4. Start with a win. 

If I’m going to be making prospecting calls, I may start off by calling an existing customer. Why? Hear from them all the things that are going well and soon enough they’re going to have you feeling good. 

When I start with a win, it’s amazing how I can power through the next set of calls I have to make. 

Read 5 Ways to Create Momentum with Your Mindset

5. Practice the 10:00 AM rule. 

I want to accomplish something significant before 10:00 AM because it changes my mindset. It’s amazing how much momentum I create, how positive I am, and how much more success I’m going to create throughout the day. 

Do it. Set your alarm every morning for 10:00 AM. 

6. Do the reps. 

You’ve got to do the reps. If your number is 20 calls a day, or 30 calls a day, you got to do the reps. There’s something magical about doing the reps. If any of you work out in a gym, you’ll know what it is. 

If you’re doing lifts or squats or curls with a certain weight and you do them regularly, it’s amazing how the reps become easier and you get stronger. You can’t just do the reps infrequently. Do it all the time. 

7. Celebrate the small wins. 

You may go through a day of prospecting, making calls and there’s not a whole lot of success. You may be tempted to think, “it’s not working.” Instead, celebrate small wins today. 

For instance, I didn’t close any deals today, but I had some great conversations. It was a success because several of them are moving forward to where they will be able to close a deal. Those are wins, too.

8. Think long-term. 

We get into trouble when we fail to think long-term, then we’re only focused on today. 

I know that doing the reps every day over a long period of time, it’s going to create results. Thinking long-term changes my mindset.

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Copyright 2024, Mark Hunter “The Sales Hunter” Sales Motivation Blog. Mark Hunter is the author of A Mind for Sales and High-Profit Prospecting: Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results.

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